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来源: 大河网      时间:2023-03-21 17:43:04


Henan"s Grain Industry Sees Output Value Exceed 300 Billion Yuanin 2022


"Over300 billion yuan." The performance of Henan"s grain industryin 2022was releasedat afood security and rural vitalization-themed seminarheldby Henan Grain Trading Logistics Marketon the morning of March 16.


Henan has been strengthening its grain production, storage and circulation capacity in recent years, standing at the forefront of the works related to the upgrading of grain reserve technologies, industrial development and brand building across China, said a source from the Provincial Bureau of Grain and Material Reserves. Besides, for consecutive years Henan has been rated as "Excellent" in the Assessment of Provincial Governors" Responsibility for Food Security, playing its role in contributing to national food security.


In 2022, Henan spared no efforts to ensure thatgrain growers have access to markets, with 77.6 billion jin (1jin equals 0.5 kg) of grain successfully traded in the market. Apart from government grain reserveand refinedgrain reserve, Henancombined the strengths of both governments and enterprises in ensuring food security, with 19,641 tonsof grain reserved by food-processing enterprises. It is worth noting that Henan"s total grain storage capacity exceeded 90 million tonsin 2022. Besides, Henan strengthened its quality controlingrain purchase, sales and storagelast year,with 98 quality inspection institutionsbuilt to ensure grain quality and safety. A total of 4,335 enterprises were designated for emergency food reserves, covering both urban and rural areas. With a total output value of over 300 billion yuan last year, Henan"sgrain industry has been developingrapidly. In 2022, the grain and oil market was also in sufficient supply and runningsmoothly.

会议透露,2022年河南省全社会完成市场化粮食收购776亿斤,牢牢守住农民“种粮卖得出”的底线;在完成政府储备和成品粮储备的基础上,建立社会责任储备粮19641吨,构建了政府储备和企业储备共同保障粮食安全的全新储备格局;全省粮食仓容突破9000万吨;持续完善粮食购销存各环节质量检验检测,已建立粮食质检机构98个,有力确保了粮食质量安全;确立粮食应急保障企业4335家,实现了应急保供网络城乡全覆盖;粮食产业高质高速增长,2022年总产值突破3000亿元,全省粮油市场供应充足、运行平稳。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/李若凡 编译/赵汉青 何蒙贺 审校/张军平)




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